1. Meat

If you want to lose weight, start by including meat into your diet as it is high in protein and micronutrients. The best option to include in your diet is poultry as it has far less fat than red meat.

It is also important to remember to have white meat such as breast meat without the skin. Protein is satiating which makes you feel fuller for longer as your body uses more calories to break down the protein. You can expect to lose 100 calories extra per day simply by including meat in your diet.

  1. Fish

This includes salmon, haddock, tuna, sardines and many others. You should aim to eat it at least twice a week and you should include at least one type of oily fish. For the healthiest option, try to eat fish which has either been boiled, steamed, baked or grilled rather than fried as frying food can add extra calories.

Tuna is particularly high in protein and low in fat. However, if you choose to eat tuna, try to eat tuna canned in water rather than in brine as brine adds extra salt to your diet which can be unhealthy.


  1. Cottage Cheese

This is another very good food to aid with weight loss. Cottage Cheese is high in protein and has very few carbohydrates and fat. It contains casein and whey protein, which is good for building muscle as well as burning fat.

Lean protein in cottage cheese also helps keep your blood sugar in balance which can also aid with weight loss.


  1. Nuts

Nuts are very good for you particularly as they are high in unsaturated fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated which can improve blood cholesterol. Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to live longer and are much healthier. It is also found that nuts can help with weight loss as they contain high protein and fibre in which both can make you feel full. Try not to eat too many nuts however, as they are high in calories. Try limit yourself to the following amounts, which are the equivalent of 100 calories :

  • 2 tablespoon of peanuts
  • 13 cashews
  • 15 almonds
  • 10 pecan halves
  • 3 Brazil nuts
  • 29 pistachios
  • 10 hazelnuts


  1. Pulses: Lentils, Peas and Beans

A couple of portions of lentils a week can help aid in your weight loss goals and help you on the road to a flatter stomach! Pulses are full of fibre, high in protein and low in fat and they can increase satiation by 31%.

This high satiation percentage means you will reduce your food intake as it will make you feel fuller for longer.


  1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a super-fruit and can help with weight loss, especially if it is eaten before meals. Grapefruit helps your body dissolve fat and cholesterol leading to a healthier body and diet.


  1. Seeds

Seeds are full of protein and fibre. Foods that contain fibre tend to stay in your stomach longer, which makes you feel full. It also maintain a healthy blood sugar level and does this by not increasing as quickly after you eat.

The best fibre to add to your diet is chia seeds as they are full of antioxidants, which help your body fight infections and protect your body from bad bacteria and viruses.


  1. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is very high in a slow digesting protein, which is very important for giving you that full feeling which is critical for losing weight and keeping it off. It also contains probiotics, which in moderation can help your immune system.

Greek yoghurt is also high in calcium, which can help limit fat production in the body.


  1. Whole Grains

There are several reasons why whole grain can help you lose weight. Firstly, whole grain foods are high in protein, fibre and water which can make you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, it takes longer for whole grain foods to be digested and helps to keep your blood sugar level steady.


  1. Soups

Research studies conducted in this area show that eating soup helps with the feeling of being full. Studies also show people tend to eat less of the main meal if soup was eaten as a starter. When making a soup, try to go for low calorie soups such as tomato, mushroom, vegetable, carrot or chicken soup in order to maintain a healthy balance whilst receiving all the key nutrients.


  1. Leafy Vegetables

These include spinach, cabbage, broccoli and kale to name but a few. Leafy vegetables like these are low in calories and low in carbohydrates, but high in fibre. They are also very nutritious and are a great source of vitamins and minerals.


  1. Berries

These are rich in antioxidants and low in calories. Antioxidants found in berries help improve your blood flow, which can aid in building stronger muscles. It is important to remember that although muscle can aid with burning fat, regular exercise and a healthy diet is the key to losing weight.


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